Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dream vacation

My dream vacation would be to go to Geneva Switzerland.
The main reason for going there is to ski.
I have never skied before and i have always wanted to.
A very famous ski location is St. Jean d'Aulps, During the winter, the village offers 34 km of downhill ski slopes. It has been said that St. Jean d'Aulps is one of the greatest ski locations in the world. 20 kms 20 slopes : 4 green runs, 5 blue runs, 10 red runs, 1 black run 14 ski lifts : 1 gondola, 3 chairlifts, 10 drag lifts. It is currently the largest ski area in the world. It is along a total of 14 ski resorts.

I think that the view will be definitely breathtaking. By looking at this pictures i can only imagine what a majestic site the alps must be like when your actually there.

Another reason i want to go there is because of the snow. I would love a change from singapore's weather. Even if i get frost bite on all my toes i think it will be worth it and it will be an experience i will cherish forever.

Practical 7 Reflection

a. Which criteria did you use to evaluate Why did you choose this criteria? What lessons have you learnt from this activity?

Purpose: To provide news to the community. Not any news. Local news that tells us about the eccentricities of Singapore.
Alot of the news is directed at youths as this is the kind of news that is interesting to them. Some of which are molesting cases, fights etc

Accessibility: The site is accessible to everyone wanted to read about the latest gossip. However i think that the site should not be able to accessed by young kids as some of the pictures or videos contain explicit language and sexually explicit content. Even though the site is moderated, some content is not meant for children

Currency: The website is very current. The latest happenings are posted here. People are also constantly talking in forums about the latest happenings.

b. How do you feel about sharing your views through Wiki?

I think its a great way to share my views. People can read it. However people may edit my posts and remove them from the web without my permission. This can be annoying as sometimes i may spend alot of time and effort on a post.

Practical 6 Reflection

a. Do you think it is more effective to search the invisible web(databases) than using search engines, meta search or subject directories? Why?
Search engines and meta search engines are very convenient. Furthermore i couldnt find anything relating to my topic on the invisible web databases.
Search engines are easier to use and seem to have a wider array of information.
I feel that databases are only useful for storing, managing and retrieving information. These sources may also be more reliable than search engines.

b. Will you use the invisible web(databases) for research in your own respective Diplomas? Why?
I find that search engines are very efficient. databases take more time to search for your topic. I believe that searching should be efficient and accurate. therefore i'll stick to search engines.

c. What have you learnt from your wiki experience during this practical?
I learnt that people can freely express their views. Some information may not always be accurate. But i think collaborating with people can be helpful

Practical 4&5

a. What benefits do you get when using different search facilities to search for resources related to your topic?
I found that different search facilities give different results. Some search engines called meta search engines are very convenient to use and it doesnt require the user to open multiple tabs on different search engines to find something. Metacrawler searches various search engines and arranges them in order of popularity. Search directories are also a very useful tool. You can find anything. However when you are looking for something very specific it may not be very effective

b. How do you feel about using site feeds in your blog?
I feel it can be very useful. People can post links on your blogs. However people may abuse it.

c. What do you like best about collaborating on Wiki with other students who share similar research topic as you?
I feel it can be very very beneficial. Even though you and another student may be doing the same topic, you may have different views which would be helpful when shared on wiki. This enables you to broaden your knowledge of your research topic.

Practical 3

a. Were you impressed by google's search functions/features? Why?
Yes i was very impressed i never knew that google had features like Boolean operators and i never knew that googles directory was so easy and user friendly. Boolean operators helps me narrow or widen my search making searching so much easier. Google is already very easy to use without boolean operators but these items just make searching that much easier

b. How do you feel about participation in discussion forum? Is it helpful for your research? Do you feel anxious about talking to others you do not know?
Participating in a discussion forum is nothing to be anxious about. There is no direct contact with the person. I feel that participating in forums can be very beneficial to everyone. When i help someone out in a forum i may be helping many people who are having the same problem. It is very helpfu to my research, i can get opinions from almost everyone and i think that everyone has a different opinion and this helps me hear what these people have to say

c. Why must you do citation and bibliography?

Doing citations and bilbliography is needed as you have to give credit to people. If you dont cite sources it is considered plagiarism. People deserve credit for their own work and it is not nice to take credit for something you didnt do

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

E-learning Activity 2 : “E-Shopping Spree"

The first thing i would buy is a ps3 so i could play all the latest games with my friends

The main reason behind the purchase of the ps3 is to play RockBand. Its a really fun game that is best played with friends.Rock Band allows up to four players to simulate the performance of popular songs by playing with controllers modeled after musical instruments. It will be a great game to play at parties

What i've learnt today.
Made a twitter account today. I dont think that twitter is a very good tool. It is a form of micro blogging. But i find that tweets are not very informative compared to blogs. However i will give tweeting a try and see how it goes