Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Individual Blog Activity tutorial 1&2

1.How do you feel about posting your views on the topic posted on OLE Online Discussion Forum? Can you express your views freely?

I feel there is pros and cons to posting views on the topic posted. I feel i can express my views freely to a certain extent. I can give my input and i can see my other classmates opinions. I feel i can learn alot from other people and i will be able to know their views on a certain subject.

2.How does this online discussion experience compared with traditional face-to-face in-class discussions?
I feel that people can be more open as they may be shy when doing face to face in class discussions. This way they people can give input and cooperate more efficiently. I think that this method could be used more often in the future especially when you must discuss a subject with people you do not know well.

3.Do you find this online activity meaningful? Why?
Yes i learnt that this method is efficient and useful.
I may use this method to discuss with my group mates in the future as we may not have time to meet up to do project work.

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