Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Practical 10 blog reflections

1. Using your favourite metaphor, describe the most important lesson that you had learnt in your EIR journey.

My favourite methaphor i've learnt is "the cake is a lie". This saying has become very popular in discussion forums

especially youtube. This saying is actually popularized by a video game called "portal". what it means is that the reward for your hardwork will not be rewarded as promised and giving a reward was never intended in the first place. What i have learnt from this is that i should never expect something from helping people on forums and help sites even though they promise something in return for helping them. I've learnt to just try my best to help people though i may not get rewarded, credited or even thanked by people.

2. Write a paragraph summarizing your findings on your research topic.

I've found out a lot relating information to cancer research. I never knew so many people had to work together just to research on one type of cancer. I have read it takes years to come out with a vaccine or drug. It is extremely meticulous and tedious work. I also read that there are many different branches doing research on a different type of cancer and each branch has its own dedicated team of scientist and medical professionals. I have read that everyday people are making strides in the field of cancer research.

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